A. OT2.5M x 6 sets
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts
- 30 sec rest -
5 Ab Wheel Rollouts
B. 10 min AMRAP:
6 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
3 Burpees
A. Power Snatch: (OT2.5M)
6 x 1.1.1 (A cluster rep every 15 seconds)
Build to a tough set but keep high quality. Start at around 60%
B. "Ingrid"
10 Rounds for time:
3 Power Snatch (60/42.5kg)
3 Bar Facing Burpee
*10 min cap.
5 Rounds:
7 min work / 3 min rest
50/40 Calorie Bike Erg
10 1x DB Box Step Over (24/20")
100m DB Farmers Carry
Max Calorie Bike Erg
DB: (22.5/15kg) Weightlifting:
(0 - 15 min)
Power Snatch: (OT2.5M)
6 x 1.1.1 (A cluster rep every 15 seconds)
Build to a tough set but keep high quality:
*If you did this in class:
Bottom Up Front Squats: 5 x 3
Set the blocks up from your sticking point. These don't want to be overly heavy, emphaise standing up fast with good torso position.
(15 - 30 min)
Split Jerk
2 x 60%, 70%, 84-86%, 84-86%
1 x 88+%, 88+%
(30 - 45 min)
Leg Hypertrophy and Endurance: 3 alt sets:
6 Front Squats (3030 tempo) (tough)
- 30 sec rest -
12 Jumping Lunges
- 30 sec rest -
18 Overhead Squats
*All sets must be unbroken.
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