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Wednesday 22.05.24


A. 16 min AMRAP:

8/6 Bike Erg Calories

30 Double Unders

7 Strict Pull Ups

8/6 Ski Erg Calories

30 Double Unders

7 DB Push Press (22.5/15kg)

- 1 min rest before part B -

B. OT2M x 4:

15 sec max Ski Erg Calories"


A. 16 min AMRAP:

8/6 Ski Erg Calories

30 Double Unders

14 Strict Ring Dips

- 30 sec rest -

8/6 Ski Erg Calories

30 Double Unders

7 Strict Pull Ups

- 30 sec rest -

- 1 min rest before part B -

B. OT2M x 4:

15 sec max Echo Bike Calories Sweat: Every 10 minutes:

4 sets, each for time (8 min cap)

60 Double Unders

50/40 Calorie Bike Erg

40/32 Calorie Row

30/24 Ski Weightlifting:

(0 - 10 min)

5 Rounds, alt OTM

1. 3 DB OHS (e side)

2. 3 Sotts Press from Front

(10 - 25 min)

Overhead Squat


*Start moderate and build to challenging. Keep depth and position your focus

(25 - 35 min)

Snatch Grip Deadlift (touch and go)


*Load should be challenging, but only a load that allows a great back and torso position. No straps and must use hook grip.

(35 - 45 min)

Seated Top to Top DB Arnold Press


*Reps are on each arm. Increase load from last week.


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