A. For time:
1500/1200m Row
40 DB Box Step Ups (22.5/15kg)
1000/800m Row
30 DB Box Step Ups (22.5/15kg)
500/400m Row
20 DB Box Step Ups (22.5/15kg)
*1 x DB and 20" box for both.
*26 min time cap
A. For time:
1500/1200m Row
40 DB Box Step Ups (22.5/15kg)
1000/800m Row
30 DB Box Step Ups (22.5/15kg)
500/400m Row
20 DB Box Step Ups (22.5/15kg)
*2 x DB and 20" box for both.
*26 min time cap Weightlifting:
(0 - 20 min)
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat: Build to 85% (whichever is lower) and then hit 3 complexs at that weight.
(20 - 35 min)
2 Push Press + Split Jerk: Aim to build to the same complex as last week
(35 - 45 min)
Deadlift: 10-10-10
*Touch and go. Start at 50% and build, keep technical.
A. 16 min alt OTM:
Odd: 10 Russian KB Swings
Even: 5 Pull Ups
B. 20 minute AMRAP
15/10 Bike Calories for Time
- rest 30 Seconds after each set -
*Score = total cals accumulated
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