A. Split Squat (Front foot elevated)
7s x 5r (OT2M building)
B. 12 Min (broken) AMRAP:
30 work / 30 rest
12 Wall Balls (9/6kg)
6 Hang Power Clean (50/35kg)
6 Strict Ring Pull Ups
6 Ring Dips
A. Cycle Week 4: Front Squat 7s x 5r x 65% (or 3RM) (OT2M)
B. 12 Min (broken) AMRAP:
30 work / 30 rest
12 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
6 Hang Power Clean & Jerks (50/35kg)
3 Muscle Ups
30 Min OTM:
M1: 10m Dog Sled Pull & Push (125/100kg)
M2: 20 1xDB Alt Step Ups
M3: 20 alt Gorilla Row
M4: 20 alt Hang DB Snatches
M5: Max Echo Bike Calories
M6: Rest
Dumbbell: (22.5/15kg)
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