A. 10 min AMRAP
Pull Ups
Wall Balls
DB Goblet Walking Lunge Steps (22.5/15kg)
Row Calories
- 5 min rest -
B. 5 min AMREP:
Buy in: Row 750/600m
Max Bike Erg Calories in the remaining time
Performance (Open and Quarterfinal focus):
A. 10 min AMRAP
Chest to bar Pull Ups
Wall Balls
Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunge Steps (22.5/15kg)
Row Calories
- 5 min rest -
B. 5 min AMREP:
Buy in: Row 750/600m
Max Rope Climbs in the remaining time Sweat: For time:
6000/5000m Bike Erg
2000/1650m Ski Erg
1000/825m Row
Complete while doing 1 min work / 1 min rest
(0 - 10 min)
A. 5 sets every 2 minutes:
21.4 complex: Deadlift + Clean + hang Clean + Shoulder to Overhead
*if you did this in the WOD just recovery during this portion or get some light technqiue WOD.
(10 - 25 min)
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat: Build to a challenging complex in 15 minutes. But focus on pulling yourself under the bar fast. Don't let the Snatch balance get to slow.
(30 - 40 min)
3 Rounds for time:
1 Thruster (80/55kg)
2 Strict Deficit HSPU (2/1")
3 Clean & Jerks (80/55kg)
4 Kipping Deficit HSPU (2/1")
- 1 min rest -
*Reduce deficit to ensure the HSPU are unbroken or close to it. If you don't have HSPU then do Bar Dips or Push Ups.
**Barbell should be challening but not something you might miss on the Thruster.
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