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Wednesday 05.02.25


Updated: Feb 7



A. Deadlift:

Minutes 1-3: 7 Deadlifts @ 55%

Minutes 4-6: 5 Deadlifts @ 65%

Minutes 7-9: 3 Deadlifts @ 75%

B. 12 min AMRAP:

10 Hanging DB alt Reverse Lunges (22.5/15kg)

10/7 Cal Echo Bike

- 30 sec rest -

Performance/Open Track::

A. Deadlift:

Minutes 1-3: 7 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

Minutes 4-6: 5 Deadlifts (120/80kg)

Minutes 7-9: 3 Deadlifts (140/95kg)

B. 12 min AMRAP:

4 Deadlifts

3 Hang Power Cleans

2 Shoulder to Overhead

- 30 sec rest -

*Begin at 60/40kg. Every 3 rounds add 5/2.5kg Weightlifting:

(0 - 12 min)

A. 2 alt sets: Do a set every 6 mins

0 min: Snatch Pull @ 75-85%

*Focus on mechanics and timing. Do a cluster every 15 seconds

3 min: Power Snatch @ 65-75%

*Do a cluster every 15 seconds

*Want to feel fast and snappy after heavier pulls. Do a cluster every 15 seconds.

(12 - 26 min)

Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat: Build to a challenging complex, should be around 8/10 RPE but with a priority on speed under the bar and depth in both lifts. If you're not getting well below parallel then keep it light.

(26 - 40 min)

Back Squat: Build to in 18 minutes:

1 x 85%

2 x 2 x 75%

*Keep the reps fast and technical.


For time:

2000/1800m Row

2000/1800m Ski

4000/3600m Bike Erg

- 5 min rest -

1000/900m Row

1000/900m Ski

2000/1800m Bike Erg


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit and use code "CFC123" to set up an account. To be updated with announcements, news and info - join our private Slack group. The link to join is here. Here you can also find some our other tracks: Weightlifting, Mobility and Endurance. Search the name of the track you want from the slack page and/or app and then join. If you have questions just email us. If you wish to view our Competitor's programming, contact us at to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track.



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