A. Good Morning: In 15 Minutes:
B. 3 Rounds: 1 minute work: 1 Minute Rest
*Complete all 3 rounds on one movement before moving to the next
Burpee Box Jump Overs
V Ups Dog Sled Push (meters) (125/100kg)
A. Good Morning: In 15 Minutes:
B. 3 Rounds: 1 minute work: 1 Minute Rest
*Complete all 3 rounds on one movement before moving to the next
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Strict Toes to Bar
Dog Sled Push (meters) (125/100kg) Weightlifting:
(0 - 15 min)
A. OT2.5M x 6 sets:
5 Hang Power Clean & jerk (unbroken)
(15 - 30 min)
Pressing Snatch Balance + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat: 15 minutes to
(30 - 45 min)
15 minute AMRAP (for quality)
3 Depth Jumps
3 Plyo Push Ups for height
3 Pause (2 sec) Back Squat Jumps @ approx 30%
3 Plyo Pull Ups
*Rest enough between exercises so you can complete them with speed and explosiveness. Minute 1 minutes between.
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