A. Back Rack Step Up: Build to a 5RM
B. For time:
30 Goblet Squats (24/16kg)
30 Toes through Rings
30/24 Cal Echo Bike
A. Cycle Week 8: Front Squat - 15 minutes to build to a 5RM.
B. For time:
30 2x DB Hanging Reverse Lunges (22.5/15kg)
30 Toes through Rings
30/24 Cal Echo Bike
10 Rounds for time:
500 Bike Erg
10m 2x DB Walking Lunge
10-1 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
Dumbbells: (15/10kg) Weightlifting:
(0 - 17 min)
A. Power Clean: (OT90)
1r x 60%, 70%, 80%
5s x 1r x 85-90%
5 minutes to build to a 3RM.
(17 - 32 min)
B. Cycle Week 8: Front Squat - 15 minutes to build to a 5RM.
(36 - 44 min)
C . Push Press: (OT2M)
4 x 80%
3 x 85%
2 x 90%
4+ x 80%
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