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Tuesday 07.02.23


Updated: Feb 7, 2023



OTM x 20

M1: 10-16 alt F.Rack Lunge (50/35kg)

M2: 10-15 Cal Ski

M3: 20-40 sec Plank

M4: 10-20 DB alt Hang P. Snatch (22.5/15kg)

M5: 5-10 Strict Pull Ups

*The intent here is accumulating reps and moving consistently. Start with a conservative rep choice and increase if the pace feels OK. If you get less reps than a previous round: end the workout here and just finish with a steady moderate pace on a Bike.


OTM x 20

M1: 10-16 alt F.Rack Lunge (60/42.5kg)

M2: 10-20m Handstand Walk

M3: 10-20 Toes to Bar

M4: 10 DB alt Hang Squat Snatch (22.5/15kg)

M5: 10-15 Chest to bar Pull Ups

*The intent here is accumulating reps and moving consistently. Start with a conservative rep choice and increase if the pace feels OK. If you get less reps than a previous round: end the workout here and just finish with a steady moderate pace on a Bike.


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