On the 3rd for the New Years Public Holiday we will have
8am Weightlifting
9am CrossFit
"Conditioning Focus"
1. Gymnastics Cycle Week 6:
Strict Muscle Up
2. 15 Min AMRAP:
20/15 Calorie Ski
20 sec Tuck Hold
10 Strict Ring Pull Ups
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike
20 sec Tuck Hold
10 Bar Dips
'"Skill & Strength Focus"
2. 15 Min AMRAP for Quality
5 Strict Muscle Ups
20m Handstand Walk (or 20 shoulder taps)
20 Hollow Rocks
5 Strict Muscle Ups
5 Wall Walk to Wall Facing Strict HSPU
5 Side Plank Lat Pulldowns (5 sec eccentric)
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit www.btwb.com/signup and use code "CFC123" to set up an account. If you wish to view our Weightlifting and/or Competitors programming contact us at info@crossfitclaremont.com.au to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track.