A. Gymnastics Week 18: Accessorries:
15 minutes for quality:
8 DB Externation Rotations (e side)
5 second Banded Supine Isometric Single leg tuck + 5 Ballistic Tucks
15-30 sec Single Arm Hang (each side)
30 sec Paralette L Hold/Tuck
B. 20 min FTP test on the Bike Erg (first 6 people in and who notify the coach they are in, get a bike, otherwise its Rowing).
Score is your watt average:
Take your average watts and divide by your body weight in kg for your score
6 is world class
5 is exceptional
High 4s is excellent
4 is very good
High 3s good
3 moderate
2 fair
1 base
Skill and Strength:
A. See Fitness
B. 20 min for quality:
20 sec alt arm and leg supine Ring Hanging Glute Bridge *each side
10 Side Plank banded Rows *each side
5m Handstand Walk with a 360 (360 degree Circle Lateral Walk piked on box)
5 Strict Toes to Bar (5 Dragon Flag Lowers)
3 Strict Ring Muscle Ups (feet on floor)
3 Strict Bar Muscle Ups (Banded)
Log all workout results to Beyond the
Whiteboard. Visit and use code "CFC123" to set up an account.
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