Wellllllcommmmeee back for the week 2 wrap of the Open close.
Cyclone Alfred came and went, but hopefully for all our friends in Brisbane there wasn't too much damage. This week saw a repeat of 22.5, and like the Lismore floods of 2022, many were still only just beginning to recover from the mental anguish. A combo of thrusters and pull-ups is like a combo of torrential rain, flood plains, and poor drainage. Things are always going to get nasty and there's a high chance of recovery efforts and rescues needed (*Please see note: Tobey rescues Irvin).
By the numbers: 0 - Friday Night vomits (that I witnessed anyway) 2 - Attempts and tears shed from Emily. Nat's "I'm gonna come over there and smack you" did appear to help, so despite the many parenting books I have read, it would seem as though fear actually, IS a good motivator.
4 - Empty toilet rolls that were found in the men's room on Saturday. I don't have the energy to do the maths on the yardage of paper used but it appears some serious pre-workout nerves were happening.
6.41 - Fraser's time for his first attempt.
6.41 - Fraser's time for his redo attempt. "Like kissing your sister," he said, "better than getting worse, but not good either". 16 - The number of females who got a bar muscle up in this week's workout. Immense effort after getting through all the movements before! It wasn't long ago when it was odd to see a woman in the gym be able to do a pull-up. I know this column avoids earnestness at all costs, but I think if CrossFit has done one thing - it's showcasing the incredible ability of women. People don't even blink an eye now when women outlift, out perform and outskill men because it's expected. If you're a guy and you haven't been beaten by a girl in a WOD before - you are lying. Things Gary heard:
"Watashi wa haiendesu!" Chris picked up phone from Cooper on Monday morning to hear this phrase being meekly muttered. Japanese to English translation puts this to "I have pneumonia". It was a devastating blow to have the man tipped by many to go low 6s in this workout not be able to put up a score. In Japan Cooper has loved the naked bathhouses but, unfortunately, it hasn't helped his Open performance. While Cooper's body pink is on display, team Pink's scores take a blow.
"How's your body Lauren?" - Ervin to Lauren Saturday morning (with Ervin's wife Zen not far away)
"I would appreciate you not asking my wife about her body" - Jason to Ervin
"It felt like I saw Jesus for a brief moment and then he sent me back" - Ervin in the group chat at 9pm Friday.
"Hurry Up" - Michelle's husband Alex while she was resting between Thrusters. Partner encouragement always helps...
"If anyone takes my pull up bar I'm hitting them with my wooden spoon" - Dummy spit winner Milla making the best of a bad situation and keeping up appearances.
"Unfortunately me and the misso have pottery class, so I can't make FNL' - Fergus
"If I'm judging bar muscle ups and you're in Gold team and your toes go above the bar I'm counting them because that standard is stupid" - Gold team captain Jess.
"I needed Tobey there to yell at me" - Claire going into the science of why she only got a better tiebreak on her repeat. Some people like it rough.
"Aren't I on 23?" - Noah after hearing her judge say 24 reps on her double unders. Elite honesty! She also no repped herself on a chest to bar.. Noah = the Judas of Team Red.
"I need to finish my athlete's scorecard but I think she got upset and left". Helen was MIA post WOD, and while she hadn't left, emotions got the better of one of the most unflappable people you'll ever meet, who took a moment outside with some post-workout feelings.
"When I slapped her on her butt and there was no response and her face was emotionless, I knew something was wrong". Anthony (her partner) conveyed. (Must be nice to be in a relationship where that sort of thing is expected to get a positive response!)
"I saw Lauren a long way ahead of me and I started to panic, but then I said to myself, "relax Bec, you and Lauren are two very different athletes". Having to move the bar double the distance of many others means thrusters aren't her friend, and Bec is unashamedly a power athlete. But you're right Bec, you two are different - (you got muscle ups, she didn't!)
"You're not that guy pal" a video was curated with what appeared to be a head to head battle with Jason and Nate. Nate had the last laugh getting the win with his redo.
"I was getting hot and cold after the workout. Then I woke up and I nearly fell over when I tried to walk, as my ankle wouldn't move". Georgia just running some people through that great post-exercise feeling you get. 3 months travelling around Australia is probably not the ideal prep but incredibly she did the Muscle Ups in 2 sets and the last Thruster set unbroken! *Welcome to CrossFit Claremont Georgia and Jake!
Notable Performances:
You don't get to the top of a tree without knowing how to handle people! After last week, Pete went into full damage control on Friday night and it was something of beauty. Kissing babies, handing out lollies, shaking hands with judges and a couple of quick pieces of pro bono orthopaedic advice. For the cherry on top, he walks away with the chassis looking a million bucks in a pic too. You can't keep a good man down!

Multiple witnesses were concerned when with 1 minute and 4 thrusters remaining Ervin flopped to the floor and went pale with his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
Toby's sprint speed to go and grab the defib for Irv has Team Purple praying for some shuttle runs this week!
Fraser was flying through the workout at a touch over 6 minutes, his judge frantically trying to record the reps. With one rep left the judge's gaze went towards the clock and missed Fraser actually failing his last rep, and gave him his time. Fraser informed the judge he actually failed it and had one rep to go.
This week some people witnessed an "unnamed athlete" frantically searching for moisture to apply on a microfibre cloth and decided to use the Hawk Tuah method on the cloth to clean their bar. Hailey Welch has been an inspiration to many and we are a frog-friendly gym. We fully support mechanisms to improve your performance - however, moving forward there are spray bottles supplied you can use to spray the bar, so you don't have to 'spit on that thang'.
Trying to work on a skill is very unlike her, but having stood under the bar for 6 minutes and getting very close, Lauren thought maybe so practise was all she would need to get a Muscle Up. She hadn't attempted Muscle Ups since 17.2 (2017), and has done zero work of any kind towards them in the 8 years since then. So it was a surprise that, in a cruel series of events she found herself still unable to do them. A good reminder that life isn't always fair and no matter how hard (or little) you try some things aren't meant to be.
Week 2 results and standings:
The faster you went the better, while also not getting tired. If you managed to do that while still executing skills and lifting thrusters, you possibly went well.
This week was scores
6th place with 127 minutes, 47 seconds: Pink 5th place with 123 minutes, 40 seconds: Gold 4th place with 122 minutes, 30 seconds: Red
3rd place with 120 minutes: Purple 2nd place with 119 minutes, 54 seconds: Blue 1st place with 114 minutes, 40 seconds: Green Total Standings:
6th place with 12 points: Pink 5th place with 9 points: Red 4th place with 8 points: Gold
3rd place with 6 points: Blue
2nd place with 5 points: Purple
1st place with 2 points: Green
With one week and a good chance of 2 workouts remaining, almost any team can still win it from here, especially when you factor in anyone can get pneumonia and/or get suck inside a Japanese bathhouse.
See you Friday!