Welllllll what a week we've had in the Open!
Canada's "Freedom Convoy" has shut down Ottowa, World War 3 kicked off, half of eastern Australia is underwater but all anyone was really thinking was; "I wonder what 22.1 is gonna be..?"
With the new early announcement time, people rolled out of bed to realize their fate: "Yes indeed the sun has risen again and life continues on earth, but also, let's have a look at what the workout is". The workout looked like it had a little bit of something for everyone and just like any workout within the millions of possibilities, it would most likely suit team green.
A reminder: Make sure you have signed up for heats for both the Friday Night Lights and 9am Monday Public Holiday workout.
Things Gary Heard: _ "I can't do wall walks, they scare me" - Georgia who proceeds to go and do 21 of them in 15 minutes. _ "Go Greta, beat him, come on!!" - A crowd of people passionately pleading and cheering for Greta to beat Jason as they went side by side. She did!
_ "It was nice not to cry this time" Laura after doing the workout on Monday.
_ "I didn't realise you didn't have to lockout on top of the box" - Cam clearly demonstrating he didn't listen to the brief or any of the 50 briefs in the last few years with workouts containing box jump overs.
_ "I'm going for my third attempt, I simply cannot let Fergus beat me" - Conor.
_ "F*** up!" - Cooper to his judge Conor who was trying to encourage him. The Dummy spit winner from last year trying to defend the title in Feb. (He isn't the first in the world to do this and won't be the last).
_ "Since there's no rebounding I think I'll just jump and clear the box" - Nate, who didn't do a single rep jumping over the box.
_ "I literally cannot do another wall walk, I'm switching now to modified" - Brenda who then cranks out another 2 more rounds.
Notable Performances:
_ It's always a massive effort to do your first open workout, congrats to Elyse, Greta, Fergus, Rose, Ryan K, Karen, Grace, Christian B, Michael B, Ben, Brenda, Stewart, David, Mitch, Noel, Kate and Romy for registering for the Open for the first time!
_ Christian B starting here just recently it was great to see him having the courage to give it a crack. Sienna judged him on Friday and it was an incredibly mature and selfless effort to help and encourage him along the way. Heartwarming stuff, well done to Christian and last year's most improved Sienna.
_ Laura got her first full wall walk (and went on to many others) and Milla helped her along the way. Some more wholesome fuzzies and showing Putin what the Open is all about.
_ Liam D. not going as well as he would have liked at 9.15am, so he came back at 12 and beat it by nearly a full round.
_ Duncan with the blue booty shorts. There were concerns it would be a booty short free Duncan this year from many of the female faithful, thankfully they returned. Wall walks were a perfect debut. _ Amy wearing full green pants on Tuesday, it's nice to see people supporting other teams.
_ Tobey doing the rounds to various COVID hotspots trying to avoid wall walks any way she could.
_ Steve turned up to FNL wearing all white because he wasn't doing the workout that night and therefore neutral. Would have thought you just rock the team kit anyway but power to you brother.
_ Performance of the week goes from the editor goes to Greta. Showed why she got most improved last year. An incredible display of capacity and effort, amazing to watch.
By the numbers:
0 - The number of Christian Lib accidents after doing a gastro laiden 22.1 on early Tuesday morning. (Kebabs are for 1am only)
3 - Conor's total attempts (leading Australia boys and 14th in the world so hard to fault him!)
5 - Emily's worldwide placing for upper extremity! Insane stuff.
9 - The different countries being represented at CrossFit Claremont.
59 - The total # of CFC participants this year. 392 - The most reps done worldwide in 22.1, completed by Mallory O'Brien. Insane!
Week 1 Standings:
Sadly we had some COVID interrupted teams but everyone put up a great fight.
4th: Purple - 2421 reps
3rd: Red - 2555 reps 2nd: Blue - 2800 reps 1st: Green - 2930 reps
With Blue taking 3 of the top 4 scores they were very confident but with Red and Purple most likely having a few names return it's shaping up to be an exciting week 2!
