Fitness: 1. 10 Min alt OTM
Wall Handstand Hold
Chin over bar hold
Find a challenging number for each separate movement but be consistent over the sets.
2. OT6M x 4:
10 Plate Push Shuttles (20kg / 5m)
20 Down Ups
30/23 Calorie Bike Erg Performance: See Fitness Bulletproof Strength Class: 1. 5 Rounds for load:
12 Banded KB Deadlift
8 Single Arm DB bent over row.
2. 5 Rounds for load
8 Kneeling Landmine Press
20m OH DB Carry (each side)
3. 12 Min AMRAP for quality
20 Reverse Lunge
20 Single Arm Floor Press
20 Tempo Ring Rows
20s Ring Support
Open Gym 10am - 12pm: Please remember to sign in.
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