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Sunday 08.09.24


*The is no CrossFit class today. HYROX class is on at 8.30am howeber.

HYROX: (8.30am) Hyrox Back off.

Aim to hold your target pace. It should be a challenge but feel good with such a reduction in volume.

For time

400m Run before each of the stations. If someone is at the station before you then just do the next one and come back to it next round.

M1: Ski 600m

M2: Sled Push 30m (130/80kg)

M3: Sled Pull 30m (60/40kg)

M4: 50m Burpee Broad Jump

M5: Row 600m

M6: KB Farmers Carry 100m (24/16kg)

M7: 50m Sandbag Lunge (25/15kg)

M8: 50 Wall Balls (6/4kg, 10/9ft)"


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