In Pairs: One person working at a time
5 Rounds of 4 minutes work, 1 minute rest
600m Run (2 x 150m each)
30 Dead Ball Slam (15/12kg)
Max Pull Ups in the remaining time
In Pairs: One person working at a time
5 Rounds of 4 minutes work, 1 minute rest
600m Run (2 x 150m each)
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder (65/45kg)
Max Bar Muscle Ups in the remaining time
A. Week 6 of Bar Muscle Up progression:
For time: 20 x 20% of Max Unbroken set. *Make sure you track today and note the total reps you completed.
B. 4 Sets: 2 min work, 1 min rest
15/12 Calorie Row
6 DB Devil Press (22.5/15kg)
Max Double Unders in the remaining time
C. "Death By Farming"
Minute 1: 1x 10m 2x DB Farmer's Carry (22.5/15kg)
*Add one shuttle each minute until failure.
**Both feet must pass over the line at each shuttle.
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