In Pairs: 2 Rounds, 3:30 minutes per station
Each round buy in with 40/30 Calories
Odd intervals: Echo Bike
Even intervals: Ski
In the remaining time, max reps:
i1: Pull Ups
i2: Thruster
i3: Double Unders
i4: Front Rack alt Lunges
Barbell: (42.5/30kg)
Performance: In Pairs: 2 Rounds, 3:30 minutes per station
Each round buy in with 40/30 Calories
Odd intervals: Echo Bike
Even intervals: Ski
In the remaining time, max reps:
i1: Bar Muscle Ups
i2: Thruster
i3: Double Unders
i4: Front Rack alt Lunges
Barbell: (50/35kg) Comp Class: A. 3 sets of:
1 min Ski @ 5k approx pace:
40 Double Unders
- rest as little as possible to hit -
30% of your max unbroken Ring Muscle Ups (max of 5)
40 Double Unders
- rest as little as possible to hit -
30% of your max unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
40 Double Unders
- rest as little as possible to hit -
30% of your max unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
*20 min cap
B. 8 Min AMRAP:
3, 6, 9, 12, etc
alt DB Snatch (22.5/15kg)
Bar Touching Burpee (6")
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