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  • Writer's pictureJason

New Revised Gymnastics Cycle!!

The coaches have got together and revised our Gymnastics cycle. We have modified our progressions and added more accessory movements to help increase strength and bridge the cap for more complex movements. We can't wait to see people set some PRs! Week 1 – Bar Series 1/4 Straight Arm Pulling: Ball Up, Front Lever and Inverted Hang

Week 2 – Bar Series 2/4: Moving Dynamically on the Bar: Hollow Body, Arch, Knees to . Elbow & Toes to Bar

Week 3 – Bar Series 3/4: Dynamic Pull Ups & Pull Up Strength: Kipping Pull Up & Bar Pull over

Week 4 – Bar Series 4/4: Combining Straight Arm Pulling and Pulling Dynamically: Bar Muscle Up

Week 5: Open Session, your choice of practise

Week 6: On The Minute work and accessories

Week 7 – Ring Series 1/4 Ring Control: False Grip Hang & Skin the Cat

Week 8 – Ring Series 2/4: Muscle Up pieces: Ring Support, Bar Dip, Ring Dip, Kipping Dip & Kipping Ring Dip

Week 9 – Ring Series 3/4: Muscle Up Fundamentals: False Grip Ring Pull Up & Strict Muscle Up

Week 10 – Ring Series 4/4: Dynamic Muscle Up: Kipping Muscle Up

Week 11: Open Session, your choice of practise

Week 12: On the Minute work and accessories

Week 13 – Floor Series 1/4: Floor Basics: Bridge Up, Forward Roll, Wall Walk

Week 14 – Floor Series 2/4: Hand Balancing: Frog Stand, Tucked Paralette Handstand, Handstand Hold.

Week 15 – Floor Series 3/4: Handstand Pressing: Headstand, Headstand to Press, Strict handstand Push Up, Kipping Handstand Push Up

Week 16 – Floor Series 4/4: Dynamic Hand Balancing: Handstand Walking

Week 17: Open session, your choice of practise

Week 18: On the Minute work and accessories

Week 19 – Sundries Rope Climbs & Pistols

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