Hi team,
After the Government announcement today Indoor Fitness Facilities are closed until Saturday, which includes us.
However, being extremely blessed with our location we can easily train very effectively outdoors!
The timetable will run as listed on the Zen Planner calendar https://crossfitclaremont.sites.zenplanner.com/calendar.cfm
Things we are implementing this week:
- Outdoor classes are capped at 20 people, so you must reserve a spot.
- Please cancel your reservation if you aren't planning on going so others can attend. You cannot cancel a reservation within 1 hour of a class.
- You will still need to sign in and wear masks before and after the class and when not doing vigorous exercise.
Please try to keep the grassed area West of the gym free for activities. You can park on the southern side grass, the grass under the trees or any of the western grassed areas past the one next to the gym.
Thanks and see you this week!