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  • Kat

Friday 26.07.24

A. alt OTM x 3 rounds for load and quality

M1: 3 Banded Paused Pistols (e side & controlled)

M2: 10 DB Incline Press (use Rogue Med ball)

M3: 40m Sandbag Carry

B. 16 min AMRAP:

5 Sandbag Over the Bar (65/45kg, 1m)

10 Burpee Box Get Over (40")

20/14 Push Ups

30/24 Calorie Bike Erg


A. See Fitness

B. 16 min AMRAP:

5 Sandbag Over the Bar (65/45kg, 1m)

10 Burpee Box Get Over (40")

20/14 Bar Dips

30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

Competitors Class:

*Do today's class but work through Part B at 50% intensity (could still talk) and skip the bar dips. Also instead of the incline Push Ups do 10 DB Reverse Flys in Part A.

A. 3 min AMREP:

10 Wall Facing HSPU

15 Strict HSPU

Max HSPU in the remaining time

Compare to 14/7/23

Jason: 2 Kipping

B. OT4M x 3 Rounds:

12m Handstand Walk

12 Bar Muscle Ups

12m Handstand Walk

*Skip the bar MU portion here if you did yesterday.

- 1 min rest -

C. 10 rounds of 30 work and 30 rest

Echo Bike Cals


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