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  • Kat

Friday 21.06.24


A. Weighted Strict Pull Up (OT90)

6 x 5r (If you can't do 5 Unbroken use a band)

B. 5 Rounds

3 min work / 1 min rest

200m Run

40 Double Unders

Max Calorie Row in the remaining time


A. Weighted Strict False Grip Pull-Up (OT3M)

3 sets of 2.2.2 do your cluster reps every 20-30 secs

*Only add load each set.

B. See Fitness

Competitors Class:

A. OT40 sec x 15 reps: Negative Ring Muscle Up

*as slow and controlled through transition as possible

B. tttTD


For time


2x DB Snatch

2x DB Bench Press

2x DB Hang Squat Cleans

*20 min Cap


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