*On ANZAC Day we will have a 8am WOD and then Open Gym at 9am. Fitness:
A. 3 sets
10 Landmine Rope T-Bar Row
- 30-sec rest -
12 Strict Chin Ups (AFAP)
*If this takes more than 1 minute, add bands next set.
- 2 min rest -
B. 16 min AMRAP:
5 Sandbag Over Box (65/45kg, 24")
10 Push Ups
150m Run
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg
A. See Fitness
B. 16 min AMRAP:
5 Sandbag Over Box (65/45kg, 24")
10 Deadlifts (120/80kg)
10/7 Calorie Ski
2 min rest
Competitors Class:
A. 12 min OTM:
M1: 1 Legless Rope Climb
M2: 4 Rope Clamp to stand
*Reach high from the ground, get your feet high and do and press out to full lockout with your legs. Here try to practise locking your feet and then letting go with both hands and grabbing with both hands for a full reach that saves your arms.
M3: 1 Rope Climb with L-Sit descent
M4: Rest
*Rope Climbs are shaping as a huge part of quarters. They take time and consistency to build.
Minute 1: Fast decent
Minute 2: Focus on releasing both hands for reach
Minute 3: Slow decent
Minute 4: Take away the rest minute if completing easily.
B. tttTD
For time:
1k Row
50 lateral Burpees over the Rower
1k Row
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit www.btwb.com/signup and use code "CFC123" to set up an account. If you wish to view our Weightlifting and/or Competitors' programming, contact us at info@crossfitclaremont.com.au to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track. To be updated with announcements, news and info - join our private Slack group. The link to join is here.