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  • Kat

Friday 19.07.24

A. Weighted Pull Up: (OT2M)


*2nd wave load heavier than first. Start around 65% of your 1RM From last week

If you don't have 3 unbroken pull ups:

Min 1-4: Max Chin over Bar Hold

Min 5-8: 2 sec Chin over Bar Hold plus slow lower

Min 9-12: 5 Banded Strict Pull Ups

B. 3 Rounds for total Calories

6 min work / 3 min rest

10 Strict Pull Ups

20 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Calorie Row in the remaining time


A. See Fitness

B. 3 Rounds for total Calories

6 min work / 3 min rest

10 Strict Chest to bar Pull Ups

20 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Calorie Row in the remaining time

Competitors Class:

A. On a 15min clock

3 rounds for time

25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

25 Bar Facing Burpees

in remaining time

find a 3RM thruster from the floor

B. OTM x 10 mins:

Complete 1-5 Ring Muscle Ups

*Focus on crisp technicque. Should have felt like you could have done more.

**If you don't have Muscle Ups do them strict with a band and if you don't have ring dips so a low strict transition.


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