12 Days of Christmas:
*Ensure you are on time, we have a very short time to brief and warm up.
1 - Strict Pull Up (Ring Row)
2 - Wall Walks (reduced ROM)
3 - Burpee Box Jump (step up)
4 - Toes to bar (Knee tuck)
5 - Calorie Ski
6 - Push Ups (To a box)
7 - Hang Power Clean (reduce load)
8 - Goblet alt Lunges (reduce load)
9 - Kettlebell Swings (reduce load)
10 - Pull Ups (Ring row)
11 - Thrusters (reduce load)
12 - Calorie Echo Bike
Barbell: (40/30kg)
KB: (24/16kg)
Box (24/20")
*40 min time cap. Modified options in brackets.
See Fitness
Follow the movements to the tune of the song 12 days of Christmas. It’ll go like this . . .
1 Strict Pull Up,
2 Wall Walks, 1 Strict Pull Up, etc
Compare to 22/12/23
Quentin L: 31.05
Jess He: 33.34
Come along to our 5.30 class if you want to the longer version.
Competitors Class:
12 Days of Christmas:
1 - Muscle Up
2 - Power Snatch
3 - Thrusters
4 - Burpee Pull Ups
5 - Box Jumps (30/24"")
6 - KB Snatch (32/24kg)
7 - CTB Pull Ups
8 - F Rack alt Lunges
9 - Toes to Bar
10 - Strict HSPU
11 - 1100m Bike Erg
12 - Wall Walks
Barbell: (60/40kg)
Compare to 22/12/23
Cooper L: 42.59
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