4 Rounds for total rounds
6 min work / 1 min rest
600m Run
AMRAP in the remaining time:
8 Pull Ups
6 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
4 Deficit Push Ups (hands and feet on 2" block)
*Continue from where you left off
4 Rounds for total rounds
6 min work / 1 min rest
600m Run
AMRAP in the remaining time:
8 Chest to bar Pull Ups
6 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
4 Strict Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups
*Continue from where you left off
Competitors Class:
Either Skip todays WOD ideally just do the runs and in the rest of the time play with some handstand walk or hand balancing stuff. Keep the runs challenging but not maximal.
A. 10 min alt OTM
Odd: 3 Weighted Pull Ups
Even: 3 Deficit Wall Facing HSPU
B. Throwdown 143:
For time
21-15-9 reps of
Power cleans (70/47.5kg)
Toes to Bar
Back squats (70/47.5kg)
CTB Pullup
15 min Cap*
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