(Fun Kit) FRIDAY: Fitness: 1. Deadlift: 3 x 1 x 95%
2. 3 Rounds: 4 minutes work, 2 minutes rest
25 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
100 Double Unders
Max Ski Calories in the remaining time . Performance: 1. See Fitness
2. 3 Rounds: 4 minutes work, 2 minutes rest
10 Deadlifts 100/70kg
100 Double Unders
Max Ski Calories in the remaining time. Weightlifting: 1. Deadlift: 3 x 1 x 95%
2. Supine Barbell Row: Find a 10RM, then 2 x 10+ at 80% of the 10RM.
3. Front Rack Hold:
10 sec x 80%
10 sec x 90%
10 sec x 100%
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit www.btwb.com/signup and use code "CFC123" to set up an account.
