Upcoming Events/Info Next Monday will be a rest day due to the Public Holiday 26th October: CrossFit Claremont do True Grit - Get your regos in! (the 10.30am slot is full, book into the 10.15am instead and you can just wait) Check the Events page for more info - https://www.crossfitclaremont.com.au/blog/category/Events
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email info@crossfitclaremont.com.au to set up an account. If you would like access to our Competitors/Extra's program, ask a coach.
MONDAY: 1. 4 Rounds, alt E 90 seconds A. 5 Pistols (per leg) B. 2-16 Pike HSPU *If 5 pistols are easy, aim to descend for a 3 second count and hold the bottom for 2. If you struggle, try using a light plate. **Aim to increase the Pike HSPU from last week 2. E6MOMx4, 1 minute rest between, 5 minutes to complete work. 600/550m Row 16 alt. Pistols Max Dumbbell Thrusters in time remaining 22.5/15kg Strength Class: 1. S7 20 Rep Squat: 3x5 Warm up sets as required then, 20x80% of 5RM 2. 5 Sets for load: 4 Hang Muscle Snatch 8 Hang Power Snatch 3. Partner posterior burner: 200m Prowler Reverse Push with partner on the front. Try to just keep moving the whole time.
TUESDAY: 10 Minutes per movement, 2 minutes between 1. Build to a Heavy 20m Farmers Carry (including handles) Compare to 19.09.18 Jason 200kg Liz 150kg 2. OT 90 Seconds: 8x Tucked Strict Pull ups for quality 3. For time: 400m Wheelbarrow Push 50/30kg (not including wheelbarrow weight) Compare to 19.09.18 Mitch B 2.29 Siobhane 3.00
WEDNESDAY: 1. OT2M - Tempo Sandbag Squat for load 5 x 3 @ 42X1 2. 30 Minute Out-and-Back run. First 15 minutes, focus on quality breathing position and just try to get into a sustainable and moderate rhythm. Second 15 minutes, turn around and head back. You want to head back as fast as you can, but at a consistent pace. Should definitely be making it back before the 30 minute mark (quicker back then out). *If you don't have a watch, do the Rugby loop. If you have a watch feel free to go where you like. Strength Class: 1. S8 20 Rep Squat: 3x5 Warm up sets as required then, 20x85% of 5RM 2. 5 Rounds: 5 DB Press + 5 DB Push Press + 5 DB Push Jerk *Aim to go each set 1 DB heavier then last week. 3. 5x20 Single Arm Dumbbell Row
THURSDAY: 1. 5x30 Second Weighted Paralette Tuck Hold 2. In teams of 3 for time: 300m Bear Crawl Sled Drag 300 Double Unders 300m Arms out Sled Drag 300m Backwards Sled Drag 300 Double Unders 300m Forward Sled Drag Sled: 60/40kg *35 min cap
FRIDAY: OT2M: 1. A. Landmine Cossack Squat 4x10 B. Ladmine Clean and Jerk rotation 4x5 (per side) C. Landmine Rotational Deadlift 4x10 D. Landmine Single Arm Row 4x5 2. 200m Prowler Push 25/15kg"
SATURDAY: (CrossFit 7.30 & 8.30am, Run Club at 9.30am) In Pairs: 30 Devils Press 30/20 Calorie Row 40 DB Box Step Over 24/20" 40/30 Calorie Row 50 DB Push Press 50/40 Calorie Row 60 Sync SA DB Clean and Jerk 60/50 Calorie Row Dumbbell: 22.5/15kg *30 Min Cap
SUNDAY: 9am Swim Club @ Claremont Pool. Please try to reserve a spot via Zen Planner.