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Weekly Workouts 27th-2nd May 2019

Writer's picture: JasonJason

Please check our modified trial timetable we have here:


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email to set up an account.


MONDAY: Fitness: 3 Rounds: 800m Run 40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 40 Wallballs (9/6kg) 10ft/9ft Performance: See Fitness Sweat: 1. 4 Rounds: 15 Hip Extensions 5 Dragon Flags 2. 20 Min AMRAP Buy In: 150 Blessing alt Step Ups In time remaining AMRAP 20/16 Cal Row 10 Single Arm DB C&J 22.5/15kg 5 Lateral Burpees over C2 Weightlifting: *This week is a deload week for Weightlifting. 1. Snatch: OT2Mx9 Sets 1-3: 3 @ 50% Sets 4-6: 2 @ 60% Sets 7-9 1 @ 70% 2. Back Squat Week 4 E2MOM 5x40%, 50%, 60% +5 x10 Front Rack Cossack Squat


TUESDAY: Fitness 1. 10 Minutes to build to a challenging: Pause Power Clean (2 sec below knee) + Power Clean Compare to 27/04/19 Jason Walker 118kg Kim hall 65kg 2. 3 Rounds: 15 Power Cleans (50/35kg) 20 Pushups Directly into 2 Rounds: 27/21 Calorie Row 75 Double-Unders Directly into 1 Round: 50/35 Calorie Assault Bike Performance: See Fitness


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: In teams of 3: 7 Min AMRAP: Back Squat 3 minutes rest 7 Min AMRAP: Push Press 3 minutes rest 7 Min AMRAP: Deadlift

*One barbell between your team of 3. Team chooses their own load. Your goal is to lift as many kilos as possible in the 7 minutes. You can change your barbell weight for each movement. Performance: See Fitness Sweat: Tabata Calorie Bike 1 minute rest Tabata Calorie Row 1 minute rest Tabata Calorie Ski 1 minute rest Tabata Calorie Bike 1 minute rest Tabata Calorie Row Weightlifting: *This week is a deload week for Weightlifting. 1. Deadlift Week 4 E2MOM 5x40%, 50%, 60% 2. Clean and Jerk: OT2Mx9 Sets 1-3: 3 @ 50% Sets 4-6: 2 @ 60% Sets 7-9 1 @ 70% 3. Supported Barbell Row 5x10 (quality focus)


THURSDAY: Fitness:

Monthly Mission Retest: 1. Zig Zag Run 2. 30 Second Max Plate Hop 3. Death by 10m (starting at 10) Compare to 2/5/19


See Fitness Gymnastics: Butterfly Pull Ups *We have had really low numbers recently for our evening Gymnastics, if you want this class to continue, please attend! (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


FRIDAY: Fitness: “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds: 1 Minute Wall balls (9/6kg) 1 Minute Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 1 Minute Box Jumps (20″) 1 Minute Push Press 1 Minute Calorie Row Rest 1:00 between rounds. Rx Barbell 35/25kg Compare to Sean Sweeney: 386 Lauren Walker: 364 Performance: "Fight Club" 3 Rounds for Total Reps: 1 Minute Thrusters 1 Minute Power Cleans 1 Minute Box Jump Overs 1Minute Pull-Ups 1 Minute Bike Calories Rest 1:00 between rounds. Rx Barbell – 42.5/30kg Rx Box – 24″/20″ Compare to 13/7/18 Jason Walker 292 Liz Bellis 283


SATURDAY: Fitness: In Teams of 3, with a 30:00 Time Cap: 3 Rounds: 400 Meter Team Run 50 Barbell-Facing Burpees 9 Rope Climbs (15') ... Directly into: 105 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg) *One team member must be hanging from the bar for the Kettlebell reps to count.

Performance: In Teams of 3, with a 30:00 Time Cap: 3 Rounds: 400 Meter Team Run 50 Barbell-Facing Burpees 9 Rope Climbs (15') ... Directly into: 21 Clean and Jerks (50/35kg) 21 Clean and Jerks (60/42.5kg) 21 Clean and Jerks (70/47.5kg) 21 Clean and Jerks (82.5/55kg) 21 Clean and Jerks (92.5/60kg) Weightlifting: *This week is a deload week for Weightlifting. 1. E90 Sec x 10Sets 1-5: Power Snatch Sets 6-10: Power Clean + Push Jerk Barbell @ 70% 2. Press Week 4 E2MOM 5x40%, 50%, 60% + 5x5 Supine Press 3. Front Squat 7x1 @ 73X1 Competition Club: No comp class due with the deload week. Feel free to have a break from a metcon today. If you're restless hit the 7.30am or 8.30am class.


SUNDAY: 9am CrossFit: 3 Rounds 45 work, 45 rest Bike Calories Strict Abmat Sit Ups Prowler Push/Pull 5m 80/55kg True Ring Rows Row Calories 10am: Mobility Class Open Gym 10am - 11.30am: Please remember to sign in.

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