Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email info@crossfitclaremont.com.au to set up an account.
MONDAY: Fitness: 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 Thrusters 43/20kg Chest to Bar Pull Ups or if you have already done it: 33-27-21-15-9 Bike Calories Alt. DB Snatch 22.5/15kg Performance: See Fitness Sweat: In Pairs: Alt Each Movement 25/20 Calorie Row 20 Med Ball Sit Ups 20 Supported Bent Over Row 30/20kg 20 Reverse Lunges (22.5/15kg Per Hand) 10 Devil's Press (22.5/15kg) Weightlifting: 1. Squat Clean Complex On the 3:00 x 5 Sets: 2 High Hang Cleans (Pockets) 2 Hang Cleans (Knee-Level) 2 Cleans (Floor) 2. Tempo Pausing Front Squat On the 2:00, 5x1: 42X1 3. Split Jerk Complex On the 2:00 x 3 2 Pausing Split Jerks 1 Regular Split Jerk 3. 2 Giant Sets: 20m Single Arm OH Walk 60m Double KB Front Rack Carry 80m Farmers Carry Rest 2:00 between sets.
TUESDAY: Fitness The Ghost 6 Rounds 1 minute per station for total reps. Row Calories Burpee Double Under Rest Compare to 5/11/2014 Wacey 807 Angela 406 Performance: See Fitness
WEDNESDAY: Fitness: Each Individually for time On the 0:00... 60/45 Calorie Row 40 DB Snatches (22.5/15kg) 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups On the 15:00... 2 Rounds: 25 Box Jump Overs (24/20") 20 Toes to Bar 150m Run Performance: Each Individually for time On the 0:00... 2 Rounds: 25 Box Jump Overs (30"/24") 20 Toes to Bar 150m Run On the 15:00... 60/45 Calorie Row 40 DB Snatches (22.5/15kg) 20 Bar Muscle-Ups Sweat: In 2 Teams: Head to Head: 40 Min AMRAP 160 Calorie Bike (80 Cal Per Bike) 40 Prowler Push and Pulls 70kg 200m Farmers Carry (20kg Per Handle, 2 sets per team) Weightlifting: 1. Build to a challenging Power Snatch: 1 sec Pause at Knee, 1 sec Pause in catch. 2. Pause Back Squat: 7x1 (3s in bottom) 70%, 70%, 73%, 73%, 76%, Last 2 sets build heavy. 3. Not for Time: 21 Bench Press (80/55kg) 21 Strict CTB Pull-Ups 25 Weighted Sit-Ups (22.5/15kg) 15 Bench Press (80/55kg) 15 Strict CTB Pull-Ups 25 Weighted Sit-Ups (22.5/15kg) 9 Bench Press (80/55kg) 9 Strict CTB Pull-Ups 25 Weighted Sit-Ups (22.5/15kg)
THURSDAY: Fitness:
4 Rounds: Alt E 90 Seconds: Odd: 10 Alt Back Rack Deficit Reverse Lunges Even: 30 Second Weighted Paralette Tuck Hold 2. Nose Breathing Sprints
See Fitness Gymnastics: Ring/Muscle Up Series 2/3: Kipping Ring Dips & Ring Swings (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here: https://www.crossfitclaremont.com.au/single-post/2019/01/04/Gymnastics-Cycle)
FRIDAY: Fitness: "BeDTime" 5 Rounds, "On the 5:00": 15 Barbell-Facing Burpees 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks Barbell: 60/42.5kg *Each round is capped at 4 minutes. If you fail to complete a round by 4 minutes, reduce the load for the next round Performance: See Fitness
SATURDAY: Fitness: In Pairs: 3x9 Min AMRAPs 1 minute rest between - 1 Person working at a time, break up work as desired. 1. 40 Calorie Row 20 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg 2. 40 Calorie Bike 20 Toes to Rings 3. 400m Run (200 each) 20 Alt. KB Step Ups (20/12kg each hand)
Performance: See Fitness Weightlifting: 1. Double Pause Push Jerk: Build to a Heavy Double - Pause in the dip and in the receiving position. 2. Pausing Back Squat 5x2 - 65%, 67%, 69%, 72%,75% *5 Second Pause in the Bottom 3. Pausing Thruster 5x1 *5 Second Pause in Bottom of Squat Competition Club: No Comp Club class this week.
SUNDAY: Rest Day Open Gym 9am - 11pm: Please remember to sign in.