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Weekly Workouts 11th - 17th of March 2019

Get around the 2019 CFC Footy Tipping Competition:

Weekly Prize: Can of Fit Aid

Season Prize: $50 voucher to spend at the CrossFit Claremont Store.


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. You can start a Beyond the Whiteboard account by going to signing up and using the code CFC123.


MONDAY: Fitness: For time: 10 Min Cap 200ft Dumbbell OH Alternating Lunge 22.5/15kg 50 Alt DB Step Ups 50 Push Ups 200ft Bear Crawl Performance: 19.3 For time: 10 Min Cap 200ft DB OH Lunge 22.5/15kg 50 Alt DB Step Ups 50 Strict Handstand Push Ups 200ft Handstand Walk Sweat: Choose a Bike, Rower Erg or Ski Erg 10 Minutes Max Calories 2 minutes rest 5 Rounds: 20 sec work, 40 seconds rest 3 minutes rest 5 Rounds: 40 sec work, 20 seconds rest 3 minutes rest 5 Minutes Max Calories Weightlifting: 1. Minutes 0:00-8:00 - Pause Overhead Squat (3s in bottom) Build to a Heavy Single Minutes 8:00-16:00 - Pause Snatch Balance (3s in bottom) Build to a Heavy Single Minutes 16:00-24:00 - Hang Squat Snatch Build to a Heavy Single 2. Back Squat: OT2.5M 5 Repetitions @ 72% 4 Repetitions @ 77% 3 Repetitions @ 82% 1 Repetition @ 86% 1 Repetition @ 89% 1 Repetition @ 92%


TUESDAY: Fitness 1. 4 x 8 Min Rounds: 0 min: 400m Run 3 min: 300m Run 6 min: 200m Run *Rounds 1 and 3 nose breathing only allowed. 2. At the completion of the 4th Round: 3 Min Max Chest to Bar Pull Ups Performance: See Fitness


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: Every 4:00 x 5 Rounds: 9 Deadlifts (102.5/70kg) 12 Barbell-Facing Burpees 15/12 Calorie Bike *Score is our slowest round of the five. Performance: See Fitness Sweat: EMOM x 30 Min 1: 15/12 Cal Ski Min 2: 15 Kettlebell Deadlifts 32/20kg Min 3: 15 Burpees Min 4: 15 Hollow Rocks

Min 5: Max Row Calories Min 6: Rest Weightlifting: 1. Double Pausing Clean Pulls 3 x 80%, 85%, 90% 2. Power Clean and Jerk 7x1 E90 Sec 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk 70%,74%,78%,82%, 3x Building 3. 3 Giant Sets: 10 Single Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 21 Weighted Hip Extensions Rest Alt w Partner


THURSDAY: Fitness:

1. OT2Mx4: Max Ring Dips 2. 15 Min AMRAP 90/75 Cal Row 60 Sit Ups 30 Assisted Box Jumps *Scale Ring Dips to a Dips on P Bars (if you can’t do BW then Eccentric or spotted).


See Fitness Gymnastics: Handstand Walking (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


FRIDAY: Fitness: 1. 8 Sets of nose breathing sprints: 2. 3 Rounds for time: 50 Double-Unders 15 Thrusters (50/35kg) 5 Rope Climbs Performance: See Fitness


SATURDAY: Fitness: In Pairs: 25 Min AMRAP: 30-20-10 Strict Pull Ups Calorie Row into 40-20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20" Dumbbell Box Step Over 22.5/15kg (single) into 120 Calorie Bike

Performance: See Fitness Weightlifting: 1. With a 12:00 Running Clock... Minutes 0-4 - 3 High Hang Squat Cleans Minutes 4-8 - 2 Hang Squat Cleans Minutes 8-12 - 1 Low-Hang Squat Clean Aim is to build to a heavy set at each. 2. Push Press 4x6 65%,70%,75%,75%, go heavier last 2 if possible. 3. Build to a challenging: Pause Front Squat (3 seconds) + 2 Front Squats Competition Club: TBA depending on 19.4


SUNDAY: Rest Day Open Gym 9am - 11pm: Please remember to sign in.

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