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Thursday 2.11.17 - Member of the Month 2/2: Jill Jensen

I feel people like Jill epitomise the reason I started coaching CrossFit. Maybe you've had pain for a long period or have been inactive and are looking to make a real change in your life. Jill has always been a model person to have around, always smiling and very coachable. Has followed the process right from the start - focused on form, consistency then brining intensity and today you can see the amazing result! When, how and why did you get started with us? My sister Nicki visits me each summer, and over the 2015 and 2016 summers, she attending the gym a few days a week. She would get home all pumped up and on cloud nine after her "10 Min WOD". It sounded ridiculous, all this WOD-ing and AMRAP-ing, and 1-RM-ing in the"box" and how much she loved the coach...and the people....and blah blah blah. But I was secretly intrigued by her enthusiasm.

I signed up for the foundations class in Jan 2016 purely as an experiment. I've had a yucky back since I was 21 and had to have emergency back surgeries in 2008 and 2013, so it was a test to see if my back could "handle" the CrossFit functional movements. I (along with my family and friends) doubted CrossFit would be good for me (and my back).

I eased my way into crossfit, 2 days a week for 6 months, then 3 days a week and month by month I found strength in parts of my body that I had never experienced before.

To my surprise, my little experiment turned out to be life changing. My back is the best it has been in 15 years, and my body is strong. It turns out CrossFit suits me. But the best bit about this whole experience is the friendships that I have made and continue to make. I just LOVE stepping inside the door of the box and working out with you all. It makes me so so happy (can you tell?).

What would be your dream workout? I am not very good at judging a workout. I often hate the ones that look good, and love the ones that look hard.

I have a preference for chippers.

I get pretty excited when I see some running, rope climbs, double unders, pull ups and/or S2O. Actually that would be a pretty nasty work out! Maybe not all together!

What workout would you want to avoid? 2km Row time trial - does my head in.

Favourite Crossfit Athlete: I am not really up with the world of professional CrossFit - so I would have to say Nas! He is the strongest man I have seen in person, and I think he is a top coach. What's the best thing you own that cost under $100? Hmm.... my Joco glass reusable coffee cup. It goes EVERYWHERE with me.

Biggest fashion mistake you’ve ever made: I've made many - mostly as a teenager.

I grew up in the country and rode horses as a kid. I had two standard outfits - my school uniform, and my horse riding outfit: jodhpurs, rossi boots and my flannie shirt - which I wore everywhere, even when I wasn't near any horses. I still have a picture of myself in Melbourne CBD, heading out to dinner on a school excursion wearing rossi's, jeans and a flannie, also rocking an unstyled boy-short hair cut. Favourite quote: We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. (Anais Nin)

What’s your fav 90s jam: Man... this was my favourite era of music. I turned 9 in 1990, so as a kid, I used to play songs over and over and over again...."my heart will go on....."

I like Pearl Jam, The Verve and of course - U2. Last thing you watched on TV: Have you been paying attention. Never miss it.

Funniest thing that happened to you recently: Yesterday, after picking up my kids from daycare, I told my 2-1/2 yo daughter Charley to hurry up and get out of the car because I was "busting".

She jumped out of car, ran up to me, shoved her hand in "the spot" and said "I'll hold it".

Hilarious (we then had a serious conversation about where you can and cant touch people).

Most used emoji: ❤ If you could have one other CrossFit Claremont members body part, what would it be? Nadine's hair, Chantel's abs and Kimee's beautiful smile.


Unfortunately due to the 3v3 Showdown changing their days - this weekend we will have a modified schedule: Saturday CrossFit Class 7am Sunday CrossFit Class 10am Open Gym 11am - Noon


Workout of the Day: 15 Min AMRAP: In Pairs: 3 Wall Balls 9/6kg 3 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg 3 Calorie Row Next rounds 6s, then 9s, then 12s, etc *One partner completes a full around and the switch. Post results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Join here.

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